Shop by Natura - Terms and Conditions
FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek, with its registered office at ul. Boh.Westerplatte 64, 76-200 Słupsk, NIP 839-110-11-45, REGON 771306130, allows you to buy goods via the electronic network (Internet) – at the Internet address: www.natura.slupsk.pl (“SHOP“). The administrator of the Shop’s customers’ personal data is FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek , located at ul. Boh. Westerplatte 64, 76-200 Słupsk.
These Terms and Conditions are addressed to all Shop users and specify the policies for registering and using the Shop account, making electronic reservations of Goods available in the Shop (“GOODS” and/or “PRODUCTS”), placing orders in the Shop and terms for entering into sales agreements for the purchase of Goods. Access to the Terms and Conditions can be obtained by any user of the Shop at any time by using the “Terms and Conditions” link which can be found on the Shop’s website.
Information about the Goods available for purchase in the Shop, including their descriptions and prices constitute an invitation to enter into a sales agreement within the meaning of art. 71 of the Civil Code, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
Goods in the Shop are specifically marked. The website contains information, in particular, about the properties of the Goods, their price, the material from which the Goods are produced, etc.
Photos and presentations of the products offered are used to present the specific models of Goods indicated on them.
FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek allows for entering into sales agreements for the purchase of Goods via the Internet and provides other services provided for within these Terms and Conditions.
The sales agreement for the purchase of goods is concluded between the Shop user (“CUSTOMER“) and FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek, based in Słupsk..
The conditions for using the Shop’s services include reading these Terms and Conditions and accepting them.
The information provided by the Customer when placing the order should be truthful, up to date and accurate. FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek reserves the right to refuse an order if the data provided is inaccurate enough to prevent the order from being processed, in particular, if it shall prevent proper delivery. Before a placed order is cancelled, FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek will attempt to contact the customer to determine the correct data, to the extent in which it is required, to enable implementation of the order.
The Shop undertakes all possible technical and organizational measures as required by applicable laws to protect Customers’ personal data, in particular, preventing unauthorized persons from obtaining and modifying the data provided during registration.
A Customer who uses the Shop is obliged to:
a) Not provide or transfer content prohibited by law;
b) Use the Shop in a manner that does not interfere with its operation;
c) Not send nor place unsolicited commercial information within the Shop;
d) Use the Shop in a manner that will not inconvenience other customers nor the Shop Administrator;
e) Use the content on the Shop’s website for personal use.
The Shop allows for the placing of orders for Goods exclusively on its website (online), using and following the provided ordering procedure.
The Shop accepts orders placed online at any hour of the day, on all days of the week.
A Customer may place an order without having to permanently register their data in the Shop’s database (i.e. purchases without registration).
An order is considered to have been placed once the order form has been correctly filled and all the required data necessary for shipping or a VAT invoice or receipt, have been provided.
In order to place an order, the Goods should be selected in the Shop, with careful attention given to the required quantity and colour, then proceed to the “Cart” and continue the ordering process by selecting the applicable options.
Until the confirmation of the selection of Goods takes place by clicking the “Order and Pay” button, the Customer has the option to make changes and modifications to the Goods in the order, as well as edit their contact details provided for shipping or an invoice. The Customer’s approval of the order, by using the “Order and Pay” button, is their acceptance of a legal obligation to pay the price of the Goods and the cost of their delivery, of which the customer is informed of prior to confirming their order.
The Customer’s approval of the order, in accordance with point 6 above, constitutes the Customer’s intent of purchase submitted to FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek and subsequent agreement to entering into a sales agreement for the purchase of goods, in accordance with the content of the placed order, and the Terms and Conditions.
On placing the order, in accordance with point 6, the Customer shall receive a message containing information concerning their placed order, the quantity of Goods ordered, the value of the order, the selected type of delivery and payment method, the expected time of order completion and contact details for the Customer, the Shop, as well as information pertaining to procedures for submitting complaints in regards to the Goods purchased and the Customer’s right to withdraw from the sales agreement, to the e-mail address provided in the order.
The Shop shall send confirmation of acceptance or cancellation of the Customer’s electronically submitted order (“Confirmation of Purchase”) or refusal to accept the Customer’s order, to the provided e-mail address. After receiving the above-mentioned confirmation, a sales agreement has been legally entered into by the Customer and FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek for the sale of the goods ordered by the Customer.
The sales agreement is entered into and concluded in Polish, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and the order placed by the Customer.
Without prejudice to the Customer’s right to withdraw from the agreement, in accordance with the relevant legal provisions, the Customer may cancel a placed order before receiving a confirmation of purchase order from the Shop, i.e. before receiving an e-mail confirming acceptance of the order, referred to in point 9 above. If such is the case, the customer should immediately contact the shop via the email address sales@natura.eco.
The Shop reserves the right to refuse an order for purchase and the subsequent sales agreement, if:
a) the customer’s contact details are so imprecise as to prevent the delivery of goods,
b) the transaction has not been authorized in the Przelewy24 or PayPal electronic payment system,
c) payment for the order has not been paid within 2 business days of placing the order.
The goods are sent no later than 2 business days from the date the Shop receives confirmation from the payment system.
Goods are delivered to the address indicated by the Customer in the order. Estimated dates of delivery of the Goods, depending on the location, are provided below, in Clause 4 of this paragraph.
The estimated delivery time to the Customer in the Republic of Poland is: 2 business day after posting the shipment. The total and maximum deadline for the carrying out the order, i.e. shipping, should not exceed 7 business days, and shall in no case exceed 20 days from the date of entering into the sales agreement. The date of entering into the sales agreement may be delayed until the amount of the sale price is credited to the Shop’s bank account.
For international shipping, the following deadlines apply: Europe: 3-5 business days, North America: 7-10 business days, Central America: 7-10 business days, South America: 7-10 business days, Australia and Oceania: 7-12 business days, Asia: 5-8 business days, Africa: 7-12 business days.
The delivery time estimates given for foreign deliveries are in accordance to the dates declared by the Polish National Postal Service (Poczta Polska SA). The days are counted from the day the shipment was dispatched. The dates may change slightly as a result of actions on the part of local mail delivery systems/providers in a given country. However, in no case shall it exceed 20 business days from the date of entering into the sales agreement.
The goods are delivered to the address, indicated in the Republic of Poland, via the forwarding company UPS Polska Sp. z.o.o.and by Poczta Polska SA.
All shipments made outside of the territories of the Republic of Poland are handled by UPS Polska Sp. z.o.o..
All orders placed by the Customer within the FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek shop are sent at the expense of the Customer.
Information pertaining to the purchase price of goods provided on the Shop’s website is binding from the moment the Customer receives an e-mail confirming the order placed by the Customer for the purchase of selected Goods, indicated in point III paragraph 9. The above-mentioned price is not subject to change, regardless of price changes in the Shop, which may occur after the order confirmation has been sent in the third email.
The prices of products in the Shop are given in Polish zloty, and Euros and contain all their components, including VAT, customs and taxes.
The Customer may pay for the Goods and Delivery by using one of the available payment systems:
a) Przelewy24 – services internet transfers, payment cards and traditional transfers;
b) PayPal – which supports payments via a PayPal account and payment cards (credit and debit). -
Failure to receive payment to the account of FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek or intermediaries for the transaction (Przelewy24 or PayPal) within 2 days of placing the order shall result in the order being cancelled. If such is the case, you may re-order. Implementation of the order paid for by bank transfer, payment card, traditional transfer or via a PayPal account begins after receiving payment for the goods,
FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek reserves the right to change the prices of goods in the Shop, introduce new goods for sale, carry out and cancel promotional campaigns on the shop’s pages, or make changes to them in accordance with the Civil Code and other laws, and such changes do not violate the rights of persons who have entered into sales agreements for goods offered by the Shop prior to the abovementioned changes, or rights of persons authorized to use a given promotion, in accordance with its rules and for its duration.
After choosing a payment method, the customer shall be directed to the payment form of the selected payment system: Przelewy24 or PayPal. Payment may take place after the Customer’s prior acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of the selected form of payment, provided respectively by Przelewy24 or PayPal, as money transfer agents.
Products offered in the Shop are brand new and original. FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek is responsible for the physical or legal defects of the Goods pursuant to art. 556 and subsequent clauses of the Civil Code.
FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek shall take steps to ensure the proper functioning and operation of the Shop, to the extent which is defined by their current technical knowledge and shall undertake to remove any irregularities reported by Customers within a reasonable time period.
Any item bought in the Shop may be returned in accordance with the deadlines and conditions of the returns policy, as set out in applicable laws, if it has defects that make it incompatible with the entered into sales agreement.
Returns may be submitted by post, including returning the goods together with a written description of the defect, or a filled complaint form downloaded from the Shop website and proof of purchase in the Shop, by registered mail or another form of delivery, to the address of the warehouse: FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek, ul. Boh. Westerplatte 64, 76- 200 Słupsk, Poland, with the note: “Return Robin Wood e-Shop”. The customer shall receive detailed information on how to handle returns within 14 days, from the day following the receipt of the package containing the returned goods by the Shop.
If the Goods have defects, the Customer is entitled to the following claims based on art. 556 and art. 561 of the Civil Code: a) a written submission for withdrawal from the sales agreement or reduction of the price of the Goods, unless the Seller immediately and without undue inconvenience for the Buyer replaces the Goods with ones that are defect-free, or b) a request for the replacement of the purchased Goods with a defect-free one/ones or the removal of the defect .
If purchased Goods are not subject to returns, the goods shall be sent back with an explanation as to why the particular Goods did not meet legal requirements for Returns.
If the Customer finds that the goods have been damaged during transport, it is recommended that the Customer draw up a damage report in the presence of the courier or, accordingly, select the complaint option on the screen of the Parcel Locker from which the parcel was retrieved.
Extrajudicial dispute resolution:
a) Please be advised that the customer who is a consumer has the right to use the following extrajudicial complaint and redress methods:
(i) submission of a request to initiate mediation proceedings to the Regional Trade Inspectorate;
(ii) submit a request for a hearing by the Consumer Arbitration Court operating at the relevant Regional Trade Inspectorate
(iii) request aid from the Municipal Consumer Ombudsman for protection of consumer interests and rights. Free support for consumers in protecting their rights and interests is also provided by civil organizations, such as The Consumer Federation.
b) At the same time, we would like to inform you that the above proceedings are voluntary and both parties must agree to them.
c) If you purchase Goods as a consumer, you are also entitled to use out-of-court dispute resolution and redress in the form of the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) interactive platform, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated May 2013, as regards the online system for settling consumer disputes and amendments to Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/EC, hereinafter referred to as the “ODR REGULATION”.
d) TheODR platform is an interactive tool made available to consumers from the European Union, which can be used to make a complaint.
e) The e-mail address of the Online Shop for contact with customers is as follows: sales@natura.eco
The Customer, who is a consumer as defined by applicable laws, has the right to withdraw from a sales agreement without providing a reason, within the guidelines described below.
The deadline for withdrawal from the sales agreement expires after 14 days from the day on which the Customer came into possession of the Goods, or, on which a third party, other than the carrier and indicated by the Customer came into possession of the Goods.
To exercise the right of withdrawal from the sales agreement, the Customer should inform the Shop about their decision to withdraw from the contract by means of an unequivocal statement sent to the following address: FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek, ul. Boh. Westerplatte 64, 76- 200 Słupsk.
In order to meet the deadline for withdrawal from the contract, it is sufficient for the Customer to send information regarding the enactment of their rights to withdraw from the agreement before the deadline.
The Customer must send the Goods which are the subject of the agreement to the following postal address: FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek, ul. Boh. Westerplatte 64, 76- 200 Słupsk.
Immediately, and not later than 16 days from the day on which they informed the Shop of their intention to withdraw from the agreement. The deadline is met if the customer sends the item back within 16 days.
The customer bears the direct cost of returning the goods.
In the event of withdrawal from the sales agreement, the Shop returns all monies received to the Customer, immediately and no later than 14 days from the day on which the Shop receives the returned item.
The Customer’s reimbursement shall be made using the same payment methods that were used by the Customer in the original transaction, unless the Customer expressly requests/agrees to a different solution; the Customer shall not incur any additional fees in connection with this return. The Shop reserves the right to withhold the reimbursement of monies until it receives the Goods, or until the Customer has provided proof of its return (postage), whichever occurs earlier.
The Customer is only responsible for the reduction in value of the Goods resulting from their inappropriate handling in order to establish their nature, characteristics, and functions.
The Shop provides the following services to Customers electronically:
a) Enabling the conclusion of on-line agreements for the sale of goods in the Shop in accordance with these Terms and Conditions,
b) Enabling the creation of Customer accounts in the Shop,
c) Sending ordered commercial information about the Goods -
The Customer is entitled to withdraw from a sales agreement for purchase of Goods in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law and on the principles set out in these Terms and Services. In addition, the Customer is entitled to request the cessation of the Shop’s provision of services indicated in point 1 b) and c) above, at any time.
The technical conditions for the provision of electronic services by the Shop are as follows:
a) Access to the Internet,
b) Use of a web browser enabling editing of hypertext documents (such as Internet Explorer, Opera, FireFox or similar),
c) Having an e-mail account. -
Complaints regarding the services provided by the Shop electronically can be made by sending a complaint to the following e-mail address sales@natura.eco. The Customer’s complaint should include the recipient’s designation and a brief description of the complaint. The Shop shall make every effort to resolve complaints submitted as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days from the date of receipt of the Complaint by the Shop. The Customer shall be notified of the complaint’s resolution by phone or via a message sent to the e-mail address provided by the Customer, as per the Customer’s chosen option.
FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek informs the User that, depending on the Customer’s web browser settings, Cookies may be entered into the ICT system used by the Customer, which are not a component of the content of services provided by the Shop, and which allow subsequent identification of the Customer entering the Shop’s pages and are used by the Shop to facilitate the use of the Shop by Customers, as well as to monitor the movement of Customers on the Shop’s websites. The Customer may at any time disable the Shop’s ability to use cookies through changing the appropriate settings in their web browser.
The information provided below is also made available to the User at the time of collecting their personal data on the Shop’s pages.
The administrator of the Shop User’s personal data is FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek. The Administrator processes the personal data of Shop Users in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016 (“GDPR”).
Contact details for the Data Protection Inspector: biuro@natura.eco or: Data Protection Inspector FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek, ul. Boh. Westerplatte 64, 76-200 Słupsk.
Personal data of Shop Users is processed, among others in the following scope:
a) in order to implement the sales agreement for purchase of Goods from the Shop entered into with the User – the premise for data processing in this case shall be the agreement, entered into with the Administrator by accepting the rules of the Shop;
b) in order to keep a Shop User’s account – the premise for data processing shall in this case be the contract entered into with the Administrator by creating an account and accepting the Shop’s Terms and Conditions;
c) in order to process complaints and returns – in this case, the premise for data processing is the Administrator’s obligation arising from the law on warranty for defects of goods sold;
d) if the User gives separate consent, the User’s e-mail address or telephone number may receive commercial information regarding goods offered for sale in the Shop, including promotional offers – the premise for the processing of the User’s personal data is based on their consent, which is not mandatory, and which may be withdrawn at any time;
e) for statistical purposes for the internal needs of the Administrator – in this case, the premise for processing data shall be the legitimate interests of the Administrator consisting of the collection of information enabling the development of activities and adapting services to the needs of Shop’s Users,
f) to confirm the Administrator’s performance of his duties and to assert claims or defend against claims that may be directed towards the Administrator, preventing or detecting fraud – the premise for processing User’s data in this case shall be the Administrator’s legitimate interest in protecting rights, confirming performance of obligations and obtaining due remuneration from the Administrator’s clients. -
When making purchases in the Shop, the User provides certain personal data necessary to implement the sales agreement. Refusal to provide the data necessary to complete the order shall result in the inability of the Shop to implement the sales agreement. It is not obligatory for the User to agree to receive commercial information to the e-mail address or phone number provided, for the implementation of the Sales Agreement. If consent is given, it may be withdrawn at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the data processing that took place prior to withdrawal.
The Administrator shall provide User’s personal data to entities that cooperate with the Shop to enable the implementation of the sales agreement concerning Goods purchased by the User, including the receipt of payments for purchased goods, as well as the delivery of goods.
The personal data provided by the User shall be processed during the period necessary to implement the sales agreement, as well as during returns claims, as well as for the confirmation of the Administrator’s obligations and the assertion of claims or defence against claims that may be directed towards the Administrator – but for no longer than 10 years from the date of transfer of the User’s data to the Administrator.
The administrator applies IT and organizational security measures to minimize the risk of data leakage, destruction, disintegration, such as: a firewall system, anti-virus and anti-spam security systems, internal access procedures, data processing and emergency recovery, as well as a multi-level backup system. The Shop provides a very high level of security due to the use of a DDoS security system, a high level of HTTPS / SSL connection encryption, in accordance with accepted best practices, working with a carefully selected hosting service provider that collocates servers in a Data Center with ISO 9001 quality management certificates, and the requirements of AQAP-2110, as well as an information security management certificate according to ISO / IEC 2700
Under the provisions and regulations set out in the GDPR, the User has the following rights pertaining to the processing of their personal data by the Administrator in connection with the operation of the Shop: the right to access data, update it, the right to request a data transfer and/or its removal, objecting to data processing and the right to restrict its processing.
The User has the right to submit a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection in relation to the processing of the User’s personal data by the Administrator.
Customers’ personal data provided during registration in the Shop is processed by FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek, solely for the purpose of processing orders, it may also be processed for marketing purposes, provided that the Customer has agreed to such in a separate statement. The customer has the right to supplement, update and/or rectify personal data, temporarily or permanently suspend the permission to process it or request its removal if it is incomplete, out of date, false or has been collected in violation of the law or it is no longer required to achieve the purpose for which it was collected, and the right to object to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes.
The lack of acceptance of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall prevent the purchase of Goods offered by the Shop. The Shop allows the customer to read the Terms and Conditions when placing an order. Customers who have an account in the Shop shall be notified of changes made to the Terms and Conditions via e-mail correspondence. Any Customer who does not accept the changes introduced in the Terms and Conditions has the right to delete their account at any time.
Polish law is applicable to the sales agreement for purchase of products in the Shop. The agreement is entered into and concluded, in Polish or English, depending on the customer’s chosen language.
In matters not covered by these Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Civil Code or the provisions of other legal acts applicable to the operation and functioning of the Shop shall apply accordingly.
The court with jurisdiction for resolving disputes is the applicable court according to current legal regulations.
FPHU Natura Zenon Mizerek reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions at any time. Amendments to the Terms and Conditions apply to orders placed after a given amendment to these Terms and Conditions, subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 above.
All trademarks and company names included in the shop belong to their legal owners and have been placed for informational purposes.